* We are decided to finish works on CyberNet.. As well as libraries' stuff and Fallout Factics..

* Distribution of DataDiskfor a free, to anarchists doesn't connected to Net , but only in Czex Rep. Actuallization montly - whole downloads, M.P.3.stro, scan of A-Newspapers.. & more.

* Texniwal MORTEKK in hands of Followers of the Apocalypse?? That will may be real change to manifest XAOS ORG.S. We will see cause energy and braveness..

* Streets and pubs propagation of FOLLOWERS as well as new concept of XAOS ORG.S. {Independent and organizated is similar sometimes.. }

* Bulletin for our block - new and nice bulletin like political act for society by punks.

* Eco-action: Buy and apply some trees for our place of living.. We hope to green whole our houses with cooperation of people if they invate an idea

* Festiwal HOLIDAY IN NUCLEAR RAIN on the world again ?? Anarxopunx as apocalyptics reflection of ngland punk-mega-fest Holiday In The Sun, in the Heart Of Europe..

* Sponzoring of any animal in Zoo Brno, we hope, will continue. Maybe instead Iguanas we will support more endangered Parrots..